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"A management information system (MIS) is an information system used for decision-making, and for the coordination, control, analysis, and visualization of information in an organization. The study of the management information systems involves people, processes and technology in an organizational context."


This Page is dedicated to Management Information Systems class, Containing Journal reviews and an insight of the class with specification below :


Class Code : ENIE605028
Lecturer : Prof.Dr.Ir.M. Dachyar, M.Sc

Journal 1 - Competitive Advantage

"Customer relationship management : An approach to competitive advantage in the banking sector by exploring the mediational role of loyalty"


Journal 2 - Knowledge Management

"Pengaruh manajemen pengetahuan pada perbaikan proses perangkat lunak;
Efek mediasi dari faktor penentu keberhasilan dan efek moderasi dari penggunaan teknologi informasi”


Journal 3 - IoT

"Fog Computing Menggunakan Computer Aided Cancer; Klasifikasi Sistem Menggunakan Deep Neural Network pada Internet of Things Berdasarkan Sistem perawatan Kesehatan"

Journal 4 - BPR

“Proses reengineering dengan menggunakan pendekatan 4PL
Studi kasus tentang pemrosesan transportasi di sektor logistik curah pertanian”

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